I don't know if you have ever been punched in the face before, but just so you know...it's not a pleasant experience. I recall the first time I got punched in the face, not that it has happened often, but there have been several times. After all I had a brother.
I was 10 years old the first time it happened. I was playing catch with whom I thought were friends at a church we were visiting. Well, at one point a ball got overthrown and so I went to get it for him. After picking up the football, I walked up to him and....BAM... he punched me right in the FACE! A severe stinging sensation ran through my face and then came a thought..."What the heck was that all about???" Not knowing what was coming next I gave him the ball back, turned and walked away. It knocked me a little out of reality. I walked like a zombie to my car and sat down beside my sisters and brothers. They looked at me and knew something was wrong and asked,"Whats wrong? What happened?" I was totally out of it and had no response. It took a few hours for the fog to lift and then I was fine.
All of this to say that I have experienced that feeling again this week and not from any human being but from a thing called...JET LAG! I have been punched in the face by jet lag. It's that same feeling of numbness and loss of reality that sneaks up on you and slaps you upside the head! The same issue of people talking to you and waiting and waiting and waiting for a response only to hear me say...I'm sorry what did you say? The bad thing about jet lag is it can be a week long beating instead of a one moment instance. Just as bad as it is to get punched from a person, it is even worse by jet lag. Trust me.
Anyways, hopefully you have never been punched in the face by a person or by jet lag, but if you have...I know how you feel and good luck!
This might seem hard to believe... but I have never been punched in the face! Now I feel like I need it to happpen. lol
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