I was having my time with the Lord this morning - which was a special one because it was my first morning living here in Brussels - I turned in my bible to Luke 4. There was no particular reason I went to Luke 4, I just ended up there.
Well, as I begin to read I got down to verse 18 and 19 and the Lord begin to speak to me once again about the call of God on me and my family for Belgium and Europe. If you are not familiar with Luke 4 it is right after Jesus gets back from the wilderness and He reads Isaiah in the synagogue. He reads about the anointing of the Spirit being upon Him to preach, heal, deliver, and bring liberty to people but in Luke 4 it goes on to talk about how Elijah was only called to help one widow even though there were many widows in that day. Also, Elijah only healed one leper even though there were many lepers in that day.
So...where am I going with all this...I was encouraged this morning and I want you to be encouraged too. I want you to be encouraged that God has anointed you to walk in the same way that Jesus did. The anointing of the Spirit that resided on Jesus is the same Spirit that lives inside you and I. If we believe we can and will do the same works that Jesus did. What is cool is that we will not just do the same works but the word says we will do more!!!
I also want you to be encouraged that just as Jesus talked about all the widows and lepers that were in the world, Elijah was told to go to only a certain one. There are many problems and hurting people in the world today, but if we will keep ourselves from getting overwhelmed about all of that and just concentrate on the one that God wants us to help today then we can make a difference.
Don't get so overwhelmed with what all is going on in the world - or even in just your life - that you rend yourself ineffective. If we will ALL choose today to go to the ONE that God speaks to us or brings our way and then tomorrow do the same, I believe we would be blown away with all that God does and how fast the world would start to be changed and transformed! This is the acceptable year of the favor of our God...be one that shows it!
Glad you guys made it safe! Keep up the blogging!
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