Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Consumed: to absorb; engross; to use up
What are you consumed by? What are you engrossed in? What is it that is using you up?
Cause the reality is everyone of us is being consumed by someone or something. There is a deep longing in all of our hearts to be giving wholly to something. The problem is we usually give it to someone or something that never fully satisfies our longing. So we find our selves moving from one thing to the next or one person to the next. Always with a feeling of disappointment that we still haven't found what we are looking for. So, we end up spent and empty. Eventually it will move us into deep depression and hopelessness and even suicide. It is the plan of Satan, move us away from the one thing that can satisfy and eventually we will either live life dead or not live at all.
Here is the truth: Colossians 1:16-19
16 For by him were all things created , that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist . 18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence . 19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell
We were made by Him and for Him. He, Jesus, is the only One that can fulfill us. He is the only one that can consume us and yet still live full of life and purpose. "In Him all fullness dwells." All the hope, all the joy, all the happiness, all the fulfillment is found in being consumed by Him. So, if you haven't been in that place of being consumed by Him, just cry out to Him and tell Him with all your heart that you want Him more than anything and anyone and trust me...He will begin to come and move on your heart and you will become completely unsatisfied with anything but Him!
Let's be a people that are consumed by Him and for Him!
Son, stay back!
The other day I was putting a bunk bed together. I was sawing metal piping to fit the top and bottom beds together. As I was sawing Judah was playing near by and decided to come closer for a look. To protect Judah from the saw and the metal shavings that were flying around, I said "Son, stay back!"
Immediately, Judah, without hesitation moved back and went on playing a safe distance away. Right then the Lord spoke to me about how this situation speaks about His and mine relationship.
The Father is always watching over us and wanting to protect us. The Father sees the big picture. When we are just walking through life unaware sometime of the dangers that are around. God speaks and moves and adjusts our lives to keep us from something or to get us to somewhere or someone. If we are listening He is speaking and guiding us, but it doesn't just take us listening, it takes us being quick to obey.
Judah, the son, heard my voice and responded immediately to what I said to him. No questioning. No arguing. Not anything but complete and prompt obedience. I looked at that and thought about it. I want to be both the father that looks at for, speaks to, and guides his children in the way that they should go. I also want to be the son that hears and responds in obedience quickly. So, I encourage you today to be a son or a daughter that hears what the Father is saying and responds with quick obedience. It's what will keep you safe, happy and fulfilled!
Punched in the Face!
I don't know if you have ever been punched in the face before, but just so you's not a pleasant experience. I recall the first time I got punched in the face, not that it has happened often, but there have been several times. After all I had a brother.
I was 10 years old the first time it happened. I was playing catch with whom I thought were friends at a church we were visiting. Well, at one point a ball got overthrown and so I went to get it for him. After picking up the football, I walked up to him and....BAM... he punched me right in the FACE! A severe stinging sensation ran through my face and then came a thought..."What the heck was that all about???" Not knowing what was coming next I gave him the ball back, turned and walked away. It knocked me a little out of reality. I walked like a zombie to my car and sat down beside my sisters and brothers. They looked at me and knew something was wrong and asked,"Whats wrong? What happened?" I was totally out of it and had no response. It took a few hours for the fog to lift and then I was fine.
All of this to say that I have experienced that feeling again this week and not from any human being but from a thing called...JET LAG! I have been punched in the face by jet lag. It's that same feeling of numbness and loss of reality that sneaks up on you and slaps you upside the head! The same issue of people talking to you and waiting and waiting and waiting for a response only to hear me say...I'm sorry what did you say? The bad thing about jet lag is it can be a week long beating instead of a one moment instance. Just as bad as it is to get punched from a person, it is even worse by jet lag. Trust me.
Anyways, hopefully you have never been punched in the face by a person or by jet lag, but if you have...I know how you feel and good luck!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Acceptable Year
I was having my time with the Lord this morning - which was a special one because it was my first morning living here in Brussels - I turned in my bible to Luke 4. There was no particular reason I went to Luke 4, I just ended up there.
Well, as I begin to read I got down to verse 18 and 19 and the Lord begin to speak to me once again about the call of God on me and my family for Belgium and Europe. If you are not familiar with Luke 4 it is right after Jesus gets back from the wilderness and He reads Isaiah in the synagogue. He reads about the anointing of the Spirit being upon Him to preach, heal, deliver, and bring liberty to people but in Luke 4 it goes on to talk about how Elijah was only called to help one widow even though there were many widows in that day. Also, Elijah only healed one leper even though there were many lepers in that day.
So...where am I going with all this...I was encouraged this morning and I want you to be encouraged too. I want you to be encouraged that God has anointed you to walk in the same way that Jesus did. The anointing of the Spirit that resided on Jesus is the same Spirit that lives inside you and I. If we believe we can and will do the same works that Jesus did. What is cool is that we will not just do the same works but the word says we will do more!!!
I also want you to be encouraged that just as Jesus talked about all the widows and lepers that were in the world, Elijah was told to go to only a certain one. There are many problems and hurting people in the world today, but if we will keep ourselves from getting overwhelmed about all of that and just concentrate on the one that God wants us to help today then we can make a difference.
Don't get so overwhelmed with what all is going on in the world - or even in just your life - that you rend yourself ineffective. If we will ALL choose today to go to the ONE that God speaks to us or brings our way and then tomorrow do the same, I believe we would be blown away with all that God does and how fast the world would start to be changed and transformed! This is the acceptable year of the favor of our one that shows it!