Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Time

 Wow, is summer really here? This year is flying by. I know all you students out there are SOOOO happy to be out of school but I am already hearing rumors of ya'll being bored.....really already? Well thats ok cause 1829 has tons for you to be involved in this summer. As always we have our wednesday night services that will be going strong but we also have Launch starting June 16th and going through July 9th. This is a 4 week internship that goes every tuesday-thursday from 10am to 3pm. We will be meeting at ANHOP for amazing times of worship, prayer, and teaching. Then  each off to lunch and outreaches every afternoon. We will be going to apartments, malls, and the PTC. It's gonna be awesome! But wait there is more. July 12th-16th we have our summer camp. We are having Nehemiah and Trevor back from last year and this camp ground is going to be great and I promise....I promise the food is better than last year, which isn't hard to accomplish but the point remains! Anyways, we are going to have a great summer and you don't want to miss any of it. You can sign up for both launch and camp on either wednesday nights or sunday mornings. Launch is $60 and Camp is $220! See ya there!