Wednesday, August 3, 2011

With all my heart

11 years ago today was one of the best moments of my life but it actually began before then. I remember meeting Courtney Praise Benjamin for the 1st time and thinking to myself,"um there is something about this girl that is different from any other girl I have ever met." I mean she was beautiful, kind, and loved the Lord but I still couldn't put my finger on what exactly was different about her. Then, one day the Lord was showing me a bunch of pictures about my life and they were all moving really fast and then came one of Courtney and it stopped...then the pictures kept coming. When it was all over I asked the Lord what that was all about and why did it stop on a picture of Courtney. He answered and told me that she was the "One" for me.

I thought I knew her then but after all these years together she continues to amaze me with her love for the Lord, people, me, and our children. She is the most caring and selfless person I know. She is always concerned with the needs and feeling of others. I cannot even begin to tell you what a mess I would be without her much less how crazy our kids would be without her. :) She has helped me, loved me, served me, taught me, cared for me, submitted to me, honored me, respected me, listened to me, fought for me, laughed with me, cried with me, and now traveling the world with me. I could go on and on about how amazing she is but still never come close to describing her to you. She is my prize, my love, my friend, and I couldn't and wouldn't be who I am today without her in my life.

Thank you Father for blessing me with Courtney Praise Benjamin. I love you babe...with all my heart!


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