One thing that I desire for my life and for this emerging generation is that we live a life motivated by love. Now, first you have to understand that I am not talking about some romantic or fantasized view of love. I am talking about real, true, authentic love. Which can only come from and through knowing God. To know God is to know love.
The kind of love that I am talking about is not a feeling or an emotion but a CHOICE to walk in a self giving and self sacrificial way of life. A choice of love that we lay down our wants, desires, and personal longings for the people around us. Always esteeming each other over ourselves. That's the love that I am talking about. See the way that Jesus lived his life and the way the early church lived their lives wasn't really about the actions but about the motive. They were motivated from this place of true divine love for each other that then had an effect on their actions and the way they lived out their lives. So many times in the church we focus on trying to get all the outward actions in proper alignment but the motives of our hearts are in the wrong place and so we eventually get burned out or just give up because our hearts aren't really in that place of true love for one another.
As we are ministering here in Brussels, I see a generation of people that have no idea what true love is or looks like. They are motivated by their hurt, insecurities, lusts, and false realities of life. BUT GOD,! We have been seeing a great release of the Fathers love over the young people here in Belgium that is awakening their hearts to the reality of His love and purpose for their lives. They are getting saved, healed, and delivered. True freedom is coming to their hearts, minds, and emotions.
This excites me because I want to see a generation who have their hearts fully alive and awakened to God's love and see them walk in a life motivated for love, to love and by love!
We are seeing it happen!
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