Thursday, September 22, 2011


I was reading Psalm 51 this morning and verse 17 jumped out to me.
Psalm 51:7- The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit. A broken and contrite heart, these oh God, you will not despise.

We live in a world that despises things or people that are broken but it is the very position that God desires and loves to work in us, on us, and through us. Every Friday night at Shabbat we pray a line that is powerful but yet dangerous and costly. It is this, "Jesus, You were broken for us so we will be broken for You."

When I moved to Europe I knew that I was making a sacrifice for God because I was leaving loved ones and my comfortable life behind but I didn't realize that He was wanting to bring a greater level of brokenness to my life. I left thinking that I was walking a pretty good walk of humilty, faith, and trusting in God but He has used this last year and a half to bring more brokeness to my life and show me areas that I was walking in pride, unbelief, or mistrust.  He has pressed on issues of my heart that have not been easy or painless but it has brought about more of Him and less of me in my life. I realized that although I long do to "things" for God my greatest desire and first objective is to become more like Him. It's only from that place that I can really be effective for Him. I believe allowing a complete work of brokenness in our lives is the doorway to becoming like Him.

The key in brokeness is undersand that its not just about being broken but its about how we respond in the midst of brokeness. Will we allow Him to reshape us into what He wants after the breaking or will we get offended at the breaking.
Will we respond in pride or in humility?
Will we close our hearts or open them up more to Him?
Will we run away or run to Him?

It's only in running to God in our weakness that we give Him the oppurtunity to move in power in our lives and make us into His image. So many times when the pressures come and we feel closed in we complain and begin to ask why. Why God? Why are you letting this happen to me? Why are you not getting me out of this? When the more important question is not why but what. What are you wanting to show me about my life. What are you wanting to work on in my heart through this situation or circumstance. It is important to realize that the seasons or times of brokenness are not a one time event. We will continually need to become more and more broken so that we can become more and more like Him. It is a process and it takes time.

So if you are feeling pressed in on every side or are already at the place of brokenness. Run to God today and ask Him what He wants to do or show you in your life. Allow Him to show His strength in your weakness. 

What will your response to brokenness be?